How can you make your conservatory warmer?

Conservatories often transform into underused storage areas or disused dining rooms. Why? The primary reason is their inability to maintain a comfortable temperature - too cold for most of the year and prohibitively expensive to heat. But what if you could transform your conservatory into the warm, inviting space it was meant to be?

In the UK, the conservatory used to be a much-loved part of our home. A bright room with unrivalled garden views for dining, or a cosy nook for reading, or a second sitting room.However, for many, this dream remains unrealised. Conservatories often transform into underused storage areas or disused dining rooms. Why? The primary reason is their inability to maintain a comfortable temperature - too cold for most of the year and prohibitively expensive to heat. But what if you could transform your conservatory into the warm, inviting space it was meant to be?

Why are conservatories cold in the first place?

Conservatories are typically constructed with a significant amount of glass with the addition of a polycarbonate roof - materials notorious for poor insulation. In winter, glass struggles to retain heat, allowing warmth to escape and cold to permeate. Additionally, many conservatories lack adequate insulation in their roofs, further exacerbating the problem. The result is a room that's chilly, draughty, and expensive to heat… and a greenhouse temperature only your most hardy houseplants would enjoy.

Make a warmer space through furnishings

One way to counteract the chill is through strategic furnishings. Adding thick rugs can insulate the floor, while heavy curtains or blinds can provide a barrier against cold windows. These additions not only offer practical warmth but also enhance the aesthetic appeal, making the space more inviting.

Make sure the space is heated

Heating a conservatory can be a challenge, especially since many are not connected to the home's central heating for planning reasons. However, alternative solutions exist. Electric heaters or mobile oil heaters can be effective, though they should be used responsibly and with consideration to energy efficiency.

Improve the insulation

The most effective way to warm up your conservatory is by improving its insulation. This involves a few key steps:

  • Double glazing: Replace single-pane windows with double glazing to reduce heat loss.
  • Sealing gaps: Ensure all windows and doors are properly sealed to prevent draughts.
  • Insulating the conservatory roof: This is where significant heat loss occurs. Insulating the roof can drastically reduce this, keeping the conservatory warm in winter and cool in summer.

The benefits of hiring a professional company to insulate your conservatory roof

While DIY solutions can help, the most efficient and long-lasting solution comes from professional conservatory roof insulation. Here are the benefits of hiring a company like Sagars:

  • 10-year guarantee: Professional work comes with the assurance of quality and longevity.
  • Expertise from thousands of completed projects: Experience matters when it comes to bespoke conservatory solutions.
  • The North's favourite company: Sagars is recognised for its commitment to excellence.
  • Best materials: Our market-leading multi-layer foil insulation ensures the best results.
  • Energy bill savings: Our customers can save up to 25% on energy bills.
  • Minimal disruption and no mess: Professional installation is efficient, leaving your space clean and ready to enjoy.

Investing in professional insulation services means not only enhancing the comfort of your conservatory but also adding value to your home.

Book a free conservatory roof insulation survey and quote

Ready to transform your conservatory into the warm, inviting space you’ve always wanted? Sagars offers a free conservatory roof insulation survey and quote. This is the first step towards a more comfortable, energy-efficient home. Book your survey today and experience the difference professional insulation can make. Click here to request a quote and begin your journey to a warmer conservatory.


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