How to make your conservatory usable all year round

We Brits love a conservatory. Almost two in 10 households in the UK have one! But how do you make your conservatory usable all year round?

We Brits love a conservatory. Almost two in 10 households in the UK have one! But how do you make your conservatory usable all year round? This is a question that many of our customers ask themselves before getting in touch. Because, whilst we love having the extra living space, a place we can admire our gardens and watch the seasons change, all too often our conservatories are either boiling in the summer or cold in the winter. The latter has become an especially salient point this year as energy bills have continued to soar. For many, heating our conservatories is just too costly now, especially as a lot of that heat tends to disappear as soon as the heating is switched off! So just how can you make your conservatory usable all year round?

Start with the roof

The biggest issue facing most conservatories is their lack of roof insulation. Many only have a thin layer of roofing, typically a polycarbonate or glass roof. These look great (to begin with!) and let in a lot of light, but they also allow too much heat to come in during the summer months, and all your central heating heat to escape in the winter. A cost-effective and long-term solution to this problem is to install conservatory roof insulation. At Sagars, we add our unique multi-layered foil quilt insulation panels to your existing roof, which is then clad with either light-enhancing PVC or a smooth plaster finish. This tried-and-tested approach helps to trap heat during the winter and block the sun’s harmful UV rays in the summer, creating a comfortable and temperature-controlled space you can enjoy 365 days a year. What’s more, this work is quick, and a project can typically be completed by our team in just one day with minimal mess and disruption to your home. Learn more about Sagars conservatory roof insulation and see how it works here.

Upgrade your glazing

Every homeowner knows that upgrading to double glazing or even triple glazing makes for a more energy-efficient, comfortable home. Older conservatories tend to lose a lot of their heat through the glazing itself, especially if they are only single-glazed glass panels. If your conservatory glazing is only single glazing, then that might be the next best thing to upgrade.

Windows and doors

There are two big reasons why windows and doors are key to making your conservatory usable all year round. First, poorly-fitted and ageing fittings may start to generate a draught that definitely won’t be appreciated in the winter months, and they may start to leak too. Second, all-important ventilation! Great ventilation will help to keep your conservatory cool in the winter, but it’s also very important for stopping damp forming too.

Conservatory heating

A common issue we see with conservatories is the way they are heated. Many conservatories are bolted onto the back of homes and aren’t always integrated with the central heating system, meaning they will naturally feel colder than the rest of the home during the winter. Some homeowners may install an electric heater, but these can be costly to run and take a while to heat the space too. If you want to make your conservatory usable all year round and to make it feel like part of your home rather than a ‘garden room’, then think about how you can best heat it. That could be installing a radiator that’s linked to your heating system, or to make your space extra snug, consider a log burner!

Home comforts

Finally, think about how you plan to furnish your conservatory, and what will the space’s primary purpose be.If you want your conservatory to be usable all year round, then make it feel like an extension of  your home with comfortable seating, soft lighting, thick rugs and coffee tables. You could turn your conservatory into a cosy reading room with big armchairs and a log burning fire, a semi-formal dining room with a feature light fitting above the table, or a separate TV room for when the family can’t agree on which movie to watch that evening! Whatever you decide, here at Sagars our friendly team are on hand to take any questions you may have about making your conservatory a space you can enjoy every day of the year with our 5* customer-rated conservatory roof insulation! Just call us on 0800 051 3004 or email


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