Keeping energy costs low amid the April Energy Price Guarantee rise

A topic that’s hot on homeowners' minds right now is rising energy costs. With winter still in full swing, you may find yourself hesitating to turn on the heating.

A topic that’s hot on homeowners' minds right now is rising energy costs. With winter still in full swing, you may find yourself hesitating to turn on the heating. If this is the case, you’re not alone! Rising energy prices are stopping homeowners from heating their homes out of fear of the cost.The Energy Price Guarantee is a temporary measure in place to protect consumers from recent sharp increases in wholesale gas prices. The current guarantee caps energy bills at £2,500 for homeowners. But, from April 2023, the government's Energy Price Guarantee will increase this limit to £3,000 to help tackle the rising prices.With these recent increases, keeping energy costs low has become more important than ever for homeowners. Energy bills quickly add up and put a strain on your budget.However, there are several practical steps that can reduce your energy consumption and keep your costs low. In this blog post, we will share some tips and strategies for reducing your energy expenses. From draft proofing your home, to conservatory roof insulation, there are many options for any home. Whether you're looking to cut back on your energy usage or simply want to make your energy budget stretch further, we've got you covered.

Here’s what you need to know

The April Energy Price Guarantee is set to have a significant impact on people's energy bills. The guarantee will cap energy bills at £3,000, providing much-needed relief for those struggling with their energy expenses. This will be particularly beneficial for low-income households and those living in areas with high energy costs.However, it is important to note that the guarantee is only a temporary measure. Energy prices may continue to rise in the future. So, taking steps to reduce your energy usage is never a bad idea.At Sagars, we’ve noticed a surge in demand from homeowners with conservatories seeking to make them more energy-efficient. Traditional conservatories often lack proper insulation, causing heat to escape easily. Our conservatory roof insulation solution has proven successful in not only transforming conservatories into a more integrated part of the home but also reducing energy bills by 25%.

Simple ways to keep energy costs low

Conserving energy in your home can lead to significant savings on your energy bills. If your home has a conservatory you could be losing more heat than you realise.Here are some ways we recommend to keep energy costs low:

  1. Insulate your home: Approximately 25% of a home's heat escapes through the roof. By insulating the loft, warmth can be retained, resulting in potential energy savings of up to £130 per year. Conservatory roof insulation is a top way to reduce heat loss and insulate your home. This process not only keeps your conservatory warm in winter but also cooler in summer. So, think of conservatory roof insulation as an investment.
  2. Install double glazing: Double-glazed windows can greatly improve the energy efficiency of a home or conservatory. The trapped air or gas acts as insulation, slowing down the transfer of heat from the inside to the outside. This helps to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature and reduces the need for heating.
  3. Use energy-efficient lighting: LED bulbs use less electricity than traditional lighting, reducing energy consumption and reducing energy costs. These bulbs often last longer than traditional lighting, reducing the need for frequent replacements and saving on maintenance costs.
  4. Turn the heating down: According to Uswitch, turning your thermostat down by just 1 degree could reduce your energy bills by 10%. The Energy Saving Trust suggests maintaining a wintertime indoor temperature between 18 to 21 degrees Celsius. This will help keep those energy costs low.
  5. Turn-off appliances in standby mode: The Energy Saving Trust estimates that £65 can be saved annually by turning off appliances in standby mode. This can be achieved either by using the power switch or unplugging the device. Additionally, turning off lights when not in use can result in an annual energy bill savings of £25.

Is conservatory roof insulation for you?

As we’ve discussed, conservatory roof insulation is an excellent way to save big on your energy bills. But you might be wondering whether it’s right for you. There are several indications that an upgrade in your home is necessary.One indicator is your home's EPC band - if it's not an A or B, there is room for improvement. If your conservatory is frequently too hot or cold or hard to keep warm, heat is likely escaping through the roof. Ultimately, this heat loss can send those energy bills soaring.The benefits of conservatory roof insulation are endless. It's a wise and worthwhile investment for both the present and future of your home.If you’re looking to save big on energy prices and make an investment in your home we can help. Contact our friendly team for a relaxed, no-obligation discussion.


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