What is the cheapest way to insulate a conservatory roof?

If you’ve decided that you’d like to better insulate your conservatory, then no doubt conservatory roof insulation has come up as one of the ideal ways of doing so!

If you’ve decided that you’d like to better insulate your conservatory, then no doubt conservatory roof insulation has come up as one of the ideal ways of doing so! However, there are quite a few options available when it comes to insulating a conservatory roof. Some are cheaper quick fixes that can make a bit of a difference in certain circumstances, whilst others are more drastic rebuilds. There is a great middle ground option too, which we’ll go into a bit later. But suffice to say that you get what you pay for, and that’s no different when it comes to your conservatory insulation. So, what is the cheapest way to insulate a conservatory roof? And what’s the best way?Here’s a look at some of the options out there.

Ceiling blinds or curtains

Deemed to be the cheapest way to begin improving the insulation of your home is by fitting blinds or curtains to the ceiling. This can help in a number of ways. First, in the summer, it will help to block some sunlight from entering the conservatory, helping keep it a bit cooler. Plus, really thick blinds or heavier curtains can help trap some heat during the winter too. However, whilst being the cheapest option, installation can be tricky, and buying purpose-made blinds for a conservatory is still quite an investment - especially with fitting. The biggest issue though is that if your conservatory already struggles with damp, they will get wet and could get mouldy too. Potential cost: £2,650

Conservatory roof insulation

A longer-term and more effective solution is to insulate your conservatory roof, without changing the existing structure. This can be achieved by fixing multi-layer foil insulation to your conservatory roof, and finish with new PVC or fresh render to give your conservatory more of a ‘new extension’ feel, rather than ‘garden room’. Conservatory insulation of this type is extremely effective at keeping warm air inside your conservatory during the winter months, whilst also helping keep things cool in the summer. At Sagars, our tried-and-tested conservatory roof insulation takes just one day to install and has helped many of our hundreds of customers cut their energy bills significantly!Projects start from just £1,999 with 0% VAT (with finance options available) and are guaranteed for 10 years - a fantastic and affordable longer-term insulation solution. Learn more about the benefits of our conservatory roof insulation here. Potential cost: £1,999

Replace your existing roof

The most comprehensive solution is to replace your whole conservatory roof material with either a new lightweight metal material or tiles. This option is a permanent solution that will last as long as the conservatory itself and will really help to control the climate of your conservatory. However, it is the most expensive option of the three, especially for much older conservatories where the structure’s frame may not be able to withstand the added weight of the new roof material. Plus, moving from polycarbonate or glass to a fully tiled roof may require planning consent. Potential cost: £16,000*All price estimates derived from Checkatrade data or Sagars 365


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