Why is your conservatory so cold?

Cold and damp conservatories are a common problem, especially as around 18% of homes in the UK are estimated to have one. If you’ve found yourself wondering why your conservatory is so cold, then keep on reading…

When you bought your home, no doubt the conservatory was one of the big selling points! But the reality for many homeowners is that, without constantly feeding warm air into the space, conservatories tend to be too cold to enjoy a lot of the time (or roasting hot for the rest of it). Cold and damp conservatories are a common problem, especially as around 18% of homes in the UK are estimated to have one. If you’ve found yourself wondering why your conservatory is so cold, then keep on reading…

Why your conservatory is cold

The reason is a lack of insulation. The heat you pump into the space is too easily escaping, and colder air is finding it too easy to find a way in as well!Materials that conservatories are primarily constructed from, including glass and polycarbonate, just aren’t as good at insulating a space as a traditional cavity wall or tiled roof. Older conservatories are particularly susceptible to draughts too, and ill-fitting doors and windows exacerbate the problem. Your conservatory will also feel colder than the rest of the home as it’s likely heated less often, with most conservatories for planning reasons not being connected to the rest of the home’s central heating system. But your conservatory isn’t doomed to always be the coldest room in the house! Here are some ways you can fix the problem.

How to make your conservatory more temperate

First things first, you want to make sure that there aren’t any little fixes that could make a big difference. Run your hand along the windows and door to see if there’s a draught coming through. If so, then some new sealant or replacements will help solve some of the cold problem. If your conservatory has an older wooden door, then even a little cover for the key hole can make a surprising difference over the icy winter months! To really make a lasting difference though, especially if you want your conservatory to ideally match the temperature of the rest of your home, then an investment into better insulation will be required. Swapping out older single-glazed windows for double or triple glazing will make a big difference. However, the biggest improvement you can make to stop your conservatory being so cold is the ceiling. Conservatory roofs are typically made from glass or polycarbonate, both of which (especially the latter) are poor insulators and let a lot of heat escape through them. The cheapest way to insulate a conservatory roof, as well as the most effective and quickest to install, is conservatory roof insulation. Conservatory roof insulation works by fixing multi-layered foil insulation panels to your existing roof structure on the inside that trap more heat inside - whilst also blocking out harmful UV rays and too much direct sunlight which cause overheating in the summer too. At Sagars, our five-star conservatory roof insulation system is then finished with either new PVC or plaster to give your conservatory more of a ‘new extension’ feel too - something our customers love!Learn about the 10 benefits of foil insulation for a conservatory roof here.


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